I came home tonight from a long day. A hard day, as well. I find it harder and harder to enjoy my job, and feel secure in what I am doing. Part of it is the person above me. Little faith is shown in my ability (the credit, it seems, should be his... either he taught me right or he was the brains or action behind a good thing), little thanks (wait, strike that and replace with "no thanks") is shown for my effort or the long hours I put in (both at work and at home). He is severly absorbed with himself and his world. Hey, isn't everyone? But he has no compassion, no empathy, no thought for anyone he doesn't like (which, it is sad to report, I believe I am in that catagory).
Anyways, my soul was tired when I came home this evening, and even forcing my cat to cuddle did nothing to soothe it. I was feeling very alone and lonely. Very much like if I went on a trip (which I am to open a store in BC), there would be no one who would truly miss my company; I see people at such an irregular basis that I would hardly be missed. Yes, I was wallowing, but I've not indulged in that for so very long, that I wrapped those hurt bunny feelings around me like a blanket and let myself feel like the smallest, most unloved wretched creature in existance. Then, two things happened: An old friend (the same galant man from my chivalry post) messaged me and I found he was having a rough time at work. Sometimes it is good to know that even while wallowing, we can find company. More importantly, I was told that I am thought of everyday, and that I will, indeed, be missed for the months I will be away; that I am someone who is called upon, always in his thoughts, if not always, in person, to be a comfort when things get too big for him. My heart lightened. Yet again, I found a dragon slain and laid at my feet; his gift to me, with nothing but my smile as his reward.
Another friend furthered in lightening my spirits. When asked what he was doing, while we were chatting, he said he was trying to find a teachers list for Hogwart's. To determine the staff size. To determine the number of students who attend there (He figures that with the number of classes, it should be around 1000). This was completely random and warmed my heart, as it is these little things that I truly love about my friends. Little tidbits that lurk about in their heads and manifest themselves, somehow, in reality. I love each of them for their unique ways in which they think, and, invariably, entertain themselves and others. As I hope they love me too. Hearing about his little mission, I was struck by a wave of happiness to simply know this person and to be privvy to his inner workings.
These two things have made me smile, when I thought I only wanted to cry. These two people (like so many others I call friends) gave a little piece of themselves and, in turn, made my world better. Thanks... everyone.
i miss you every day i don't see you! we all love you girl, honest. let the head honcho see what its like on his own for a bit. that'll learn 'em.
I can't believe you knew about the quail attack and said nothing! I could've been killed!
Also, someone left a comment on my blog but then deleted it...how intriguing and unfair!!!
hope you're feeling better...you are very loved
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