Jillian, being born outside of Alberta, had never been so we escorted her into our city's past. Unlike when I was younger, they now have people that are in period dress that engage you in conversation about the house/tent/area they are in. It was pretty rad.

Here are my friends Des and Mikey. They are crouched by the railway tracks as I had instructed. I had just finished making a very bad joke about how their forefathers helped build the railway (Yes, I said it was a bad joke... but they laughed AND posed, and I didn't really mean it anyways, so no being offended!). Once inside one of the buildings, the pretend telephone operator rang the phone in the booth for us and Des answered. They had a short conversation about long distance calls in the year 1905 and Des let the operator know that he and a friend had just finished building the railroad, outside. I cracked up and wound up curled up and laughing on a bench.

Here are all of us sans Jillian, outside the fort part. We had been waiting for Jillian to take the picture and we had all been standing awkwardly beside each other, like a bunch of strangers at a family reunion. I had just made a face to crack Jillian up and everyone wound up seeing it, which made us all laugh. The properly posed pic, taken after this one, isn't nearly as good. As a side note, Carol has described herself as, "kinda simple, actually. Like this is the kind of picture where you'd have to talk slow to me." She describes me as doing the "Bobbie gives up laugh", which makes me smile to hear. I like that I have a pose for when laughter overcomes me, and that it happens so often, that pose has a title.

Jillian and I found an outhouse... it was roped off, otherwise we would be squatting inside, instead of on the perimeter.
So that was Free Day... it was also my first day off in months. I really cannot think of a better way to spend the free time I was granted. I was in the company of people I thoroughly enjoy, that I've missed lately, as I've been busy with work and the clutter of my brain.
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