Sunday, October 22, 2006

Bad Children

I was rereading some old Livejournal entries and I came upon this one that made me laugh. I was feeling most melodramatic, as you will soon see. I wanted to wallow in my little mood and have my woe exposed for the world to see. It didn't quite happen that way...

Have you ever seen a Bad Child? I am not talking about a loud child of five, who insists on running around touching things with his icky-sticky fingers. I am not referring to a twelve year old that can only whine and complain.

This is the person that hears she disappoints all around her. This is the one that has been told he has a little black heart and can do no right in his world. It is this Bad Child that all parents hope their young ones never grow up to be. Have you seen a child such as this?

Yes, I have.Oh, wait, you said seen, not been.

Ah Simon! Haven't you guessed just who the Bad Child is?


Simon, I could never see you as a Bad Child, you are too dear to have a black little heart. However, I will let you know that a Bad Child, indeed, can only be seen in a mirror.

Is this like Bloody Mary?

Yeah, but in this horror story, I am the bad guy.(I wonder what would happen if you said my name ten times, really fast, in the bathroom, with the lights out?)

My roommate knocked on the door and asked who I was talking to.I said "The mirror".He just walked away.

Simon, You have succeeded in making a Bad Child, with a black heart laugh at the world....this is why I love and cherish you.

Carol says I get ten points and a gold star sticker.

I did say that.

1 comment:

Ptilonyssus said...

Bobs I think it is a bad sign if you talk to yourself in the mirror. Also, you can't be a bad child, you aren't half as evil as I am, and I am the favorite.