Sunday, December 10, 2006

Burnaby Bound...

So I am laying in my hotel bed, safe in the heart of Burnaby BC. I came as I had heard there was a spotting of the elusive Brown Bear! Too excited to stay put in my own prairie home, I jetted off early this morning to the clean mountain air in hopes of FINALLY meeting this furry little fiend.

Just kidding... BB, I am sure, will remain a mystery to me for a while yet.

I am here for work. To be honest, I can't really tell you exactly WHAT part of work has me here, but here I am and here I will stay for the next five days. I am to be helping the manager here learn, well, how to manage. Specifically, how to manage staff. So now I have to tell her just what is working and what is not. The thing is, I know that what I tell her should help... but if the situation was reversed and someone came in telling me I wasn't doing the job how they would, I would have a snit fit in record time. Then again, this IS supposed to be my strong point, dealing with staff. All I have to say about that is, BOO!

So, with any luck, I will have a few days off to hang out here (woohoo?). Any suggestions as to how to spend my days off would be appreciated.

Wow, this post really is craptacular in its content. Sorry about that. Maybe if Brown Bear were here, it would be different...

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